These two.
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Who knew how tough it is to hold up only three fingers?! Apparently, it is. These two are proud that they can do it. |
I know every momma says it but I really cannot believe they just turned three. Time truly does fly by.
I remember when they were itty bitty newborns – how Dave and I were just surviving day to day looking forward to that magical “6 month” mark that we kept hearing about. That was nonsense. Two six-month olds are not any easier than two three-month olds or four-month olds.
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hahahahahahah. attempt #1,200,242 of trying to get a sweet, sleepy newborn photo. |
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Seeing a trend? Let’s just say, Nathan really liked to scream. |
The days of the boys first year all passed in a sleep-deprived blur. Yet, we shared so many special moments of wonder and awe that first year.
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{to be fair, they were so sweet at times…these pictures just aren’t nearly as funny as the above}. |
The overarching theme of it all: it happened so fast.
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We threw a big “we survived year one” bash 🙂 |
And, then, just when we came up for a breath and started to remember what it felt like to get a full nights sleep, they went and grew up on us.
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2nd Birthday Barnyard Party |
My babies turned into hilarious little toddlers and now they’re these little people with such unique personalities. The things they come up with make me laugh all the time. They also take my breath away with their tender hearts and compassionate actions. I am so incredibly blessed with this privilege of being their momma.
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Fun 3rd birthday celebration {more pics to come soon} |
Again, it all happened so fast.
I found this cute printable for a birthday interview and had to share their silly answers. {We didn’t get around to page two, it was naptime and crankiness was kicking in. Also, they have their 3 year check-up next week so I’m not even sure what they weigh anymore… that section is tbd}.
Ben: at 3 years old…
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For the record, we have made cookies before. He just got a new set of play cookies and that’s all that was on his mind. 🙂 |
My sweet, gentle, kind, thoughtful, and stubborn-like-his-momma, Ben.
You are a momma’s boy and you are always looking out for your brother. You like to stay up late and wake up late, just like your momma :). You like to do everything on your own – you are very independent. You like to point out bugs for Nate to pick up…you think that’s hilarious. You like to line your trucks up like a train and then drive monster trucks over them. You are not a fan of cleaning up your toys. You love macaroni and cheese and ask for it at every, single meal.
Your laugh is contagious. Your smile is adorable and sweet. You love chocolate and ice cream. You like to race and can run really fast. Whenever you wake up in the morning or after naps, you have to have someone come up and help you carry down all of your “babies” and blankets. You usually sleep with four or five blankets and ten or twelve stuffed animals. During the day, you store them all in your play shopping cart. You’re a little bit of a hoarder. 🙂
Nathan: at 3 years old…
You are “all boy.” You love dirt, bugs, construction trucks, tools, worms and rocks. Strangely, you don’t like to get dirty. You like to hose yourself off or jump in any body of water nearby {puddles, lakes, creeks, pools, etc} when you get dirt on yourself. Your laugh is contagious and you have the best sense of adventure. You keep us on our toes and worry us because you have no fear of anything. You love to snuggle in the morning. You love books and reading. You know all of your letters and love to sing the alphabet song. You love songs, in general. Singing and dancing are two of your favorite things to do. You have sweet break-dancing moves. 🙂
You are so tough, you fall down and just get right back up, shake it off and say, “it’s okay” or “I’m okay” or, my favorite, “it happens!” You like to go to sleep early and wake up {way too} early in the morning. You love your time alone with daddy in the morning. You look up to your daddy so much. You know how to use any tool and what every construction truck does. You love with abundance. You love to give “monster hugs” and sometimes knock the person you’re hugging over. You always, always have your “babies” with you – {named: “two baby, three baby and new baby”}. You love to pray and your prayers are the absolute sweetest words my ears have ever heard.
What an honor and joy to raise these boys. To be here with them during these precious days before they grow up and leave home. I am in awe of how perfect they are and how much I don’t deserve all of this goodness. I am so, so blessed!!