Recently, another local adoptive momma contacted me and asked if I’d be interested in helping her plan a mini-Created-for-Care retreat for the moms in our area. I enthusiastically agreed without a moment’s hesitation! {Y’all know I LOVE Created for Care retreats…}
I had actually attended the mini-retreat planning break-out session at the Atlanta retreat earlier this year and wanted to come back and host one a weekend but felt overwhelmed by the idea because I thought S would have been home by now.
But, alas, here I am still waiting {and waiting and waiting} for our daughter to come home. So, I have to say that this retreat planning has been the perfect distraction for my anxious heart. Preparing a weekend of restoration, encouragement and spiritual nourishment for fellow adoptive mommas has been an incredible blessing.
Local mommas- find all of the event details and the link to registration HERE. {I know there are many of you anxiously awaiting this post this morning so you can snag one of the 30 spots!}
I am so, so excited about this weekend. I hope everyone in our area that has adopted, is thinking of adopting, is a foster momma or is in the waiting stage with me will be able to attend.
Ladies – you can read more about my C4C experiences HERE and HERE. And, get excited for what God has in store for us this November!!