I’ve been quiet in this space. It hasn’t been intentional. I’ve just had so much to share and absolutely no time to do so. My words swirl in my brain and often end up written in fragmented sentences in the small journal that rests on my nightstand rather than here. Having a baby and four (very busy) little people has kept me busy like never before. Not to mention the fact that we are filming a television show and remodeling homes…I’ve just been trying to make it through each day without dropping all of my precariously balanced balls from the air.

One amazing thing about having a baby is that I have been forced to slow down. I literally have to sit down every few hours to feed him. I have to rock him to sleep at night, I have to alter my daily crammed schedule to allow for his needs. What a beautiful gift.
I know that God gave us our littlest man in this season for so many good reasons…not the least of which is the perspective Luke brings to my life. While I so desperately want to always remember the feeling of his weight in my arms as he drifts off to sleep, I know from experience that I won’t be able to recall the exact feeling even a year from now. I find myself missing his “baby-ness” even as I hold him and stare at his perfectly puffed cheeks and long lashes and chubby wrists. I know this moment, this feeding, this belly laugh, this new discovery deserves my full attention; right here, right now.
That’s the crux of motherhood – to live in the moment, to soak in every drop of these little cherubs, even in the midst of complete chaos and bad attitudes and sibling squabbles and messes and dirty rooms. Because, in retrospect, these moments that we think are exhausting and these days that seem to drag on will all certainly find the rosy glow of hindsight. These ARE the days. These 6,570 days of childhood (until they are 18) are the most beautiful, messy, hilarious, precious, glorious, treasures.

When I opened my laptop, I had planned to write about the Coronavirus and fear and uncertainty. But, as I started typing, I realized the very thing we need to do right now is exactly what these last nine months have taught me to do every day – take a deep breath, look around, count my blessings and soak in this moment. Don’t think about the next moment (and the uncertainty looming) because while I’m focused on what’s ahead, I’ll miss what is unfolding; right here, right now.
This is the most unique time we’ve ever experienced – school and sports and commitments are cancelled. Our calendars are clear for the first time, well, ever. Let’s use the time with intention. Let’s fix our thoughts on whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, let’s think on those things when fear threatens to seep in. Let’s play boardgames and get out in nature. Let’s be smart and safe and informed while still remaining kind and loving and hopeful. Let’s not look to the uncertain days ahead with foreboding but rather to the certainty of this moment; right here, right now.
Fear is on the horizon for many, I know. And, here’s the thing: I’m not a stranger to fear (I’ve battled this particular nemesis many times before – feel free to search “fear” on this blog and you’ll find words from years past on this subject) and I believe God works in and through us in all things. Therefore, I know that my past experiences with fear and uncertainty have taught me a thing or two about the faithfulness of God. I have first-hand experience with God’s trustworthiness. I know that my God hasn’t turned away and forgotten His people, I am confident in this: He is right here, right now.
I am with you continually, so don’t be intimidated by fear. Though it stalks you, it cannot harm you, as long as you cling to My hand. Keep your eyes on Me, enjoying Peace in My Presence. {Jesus Calling}
The Lord said to me in the strongest terms: “Do not think like everyone else does. Do not be afraid that some plan conceived behind closed doors will be the end of you. Do not fear anything except the Lord Almighty. He alone is the Holy One. If you fear Him, you need fear nothing else. He will keep you safe.” {Isaiah 8: 11-14}