These side-by-side-oh-my-goodness-they’ve-grown-so-much photos do something. They remind me: this too shall pass.
In the messy and busy day-to-day, I often don’t realize how much they’ve changed. Only when the weather turns unseasonably cold and a search for long pants turns up only unintended capris, do I notice they’ve grown inches taller. Only when a virus passes through and fever wakes him in the night, do I realize he is no longer the cause of my lack of sleep. Only when I’m covered in vomit from the baby, do I realize that they no longer have the horrible reflux that caused such destruction to my rugs and walls and clothing and everything in between for that first year of their life.
One of the boys has taken up sleep walking. Apparently, this is hereditary. My Nana is famous for her antics while asleep. Cooking chili on the stove, purchasing items online, eating… all while sound asleep. And, my younger sister has a tell-tale sign to know she is sleep walking: she is mean. If she calls me in her sleep and I ask if she is awake, she will reply in an angry tone assuring me that she is NOT.SLEEPING. We all know: angry Lori = sleeping Lori. Anyhow, last night, one of our little guys peed into a basket of toys in his sleep, thinking he was in the bathroom. He adamantly refused to admit that he was asleep. It was eery. And, exhausting. Because, even though he didn’t mean to do it, it still left a giant mess for me to clean up.
So, really, I need these reminders. I need to remember that time slips through our grasp so easily. This life is fragile and hard and beautiful and exhausting and exhilarating. And I spend so much time just just making it through the day, that I often forget to look up and see it.
I need reminders to seek joy and gratitude each day. Reminders that they won’t stay little forever. I had better soak it up and enjoy these wild days.
{We are continuing the end of the year traditional celebration my mom started when my siblings and I were young…last day of school shaving cream fight!}
Therefore, I will be grateful for the crazy days and the messes that need cleaning up because without all of these precious littles, there would be no messes. My house may not {be even close to} perfect. But it is so very full of beauty. For that, I am grateful.
*I started a new Facebook community for all of us seeking to soak up the joy in the midst of chaos. Join us HERE.
Such a precious reminder! I love this and have found the same to be true in my life.
"I spend so much time just just making it through the day, that I often forget to look up and see it." Ahhhhhh so good, so convicting, so true. Thanks for this post and sharing your heart sweet Jenny!
thank you so much, friend!
So good. So needed. Especially when the current "littles* stage includes digging poop out of his diaper 2-4 times a day. ??
oh. girl. so, yeah. poop and snot are my nemesis'. why do these little people produce SO much?!?!?!??!?!?
So good. So needed. Especially when the current "littles* stage includes digging poop out of his diaper 2-4 times a day. ??