Two years ago, we took in a baby lamb in need of bottle feeding around the clock. I thought it would be fun and the lamb was pretty adorable so there was a zero percent chance of me turning her away. Trixie-the-lamb thought she was a dog and went on walks with us and slept cuddled alongside our lab on the porch. She grew up, we added a couple of friends and she had a baby.

These days, we have twelve sheep (Trixie is the matriarch), a llama, half a dozen cows (with babies due soon!), a dozen chickens, three dogs and two kittens.
Never, ever, ever did I expect to live on a farm with actual food that we produce and eat and animals that we care for each day (Did I mention the word NEVER??). Yet, here we are. Making it up and learning as we go (see photo example here of Dave’s first sheep shearing experience – bless it).

Here’s the thing, life will undoubtably throw you all sorts of curve balls (God’s not surprised by any of them but we certainly can be) and you have a choice:
Run and hide because you feel ill-equipped;
step into the crazy and laugh and learn and make a lot of mistakes and ask a ton of questions and risk looking foolish along the way.

I promise you, looking foolish is actually fun if you’re willing to not take yourself too seriously.
I couldn’t be more grateful for the fact that we kept saying yes to the crazy and now have a pasture full of animals and we get the privilege of marveling as we watch brand-new mommas coax along their shaky-legged newborns to their feet. Or, for the sweet simplicity of lingering on the front porch with my love and a steaming mug of coffee, before the day begins, laughing together as we watch the kittens hide behind a tree to scare the llama.
This is the (completely, unexpected and absolutely unplanned for) good stuff.