Lately, I’ve been craving quiet. Stillness.
This week, I find myself soaking up moments with my little family.
Feeling nostalgic.
Taking mental snapshots of these days. The boys at this age.
Reflecting on how quickly time passes as we watch our children grow.
Feeling changes on the horizon.
I feel a need to just duck away for awhile. Hold my little cubs close. Not let go because I need to get up and check an email or answer a phone call or check another item off of my never-ending, ever-demanding to-do list.
Just sit and hold them.
Linger. Read more books together.
Sit on the floor and help them build a train out of legos.
Stop. Slow down. Rest.
Knowing this season in my life is coming to a close.
Hopeful that I can accept each moment with gratitude as we step away from this place of beauty and awe and back into everyday life. Prayerful that I can remember the lessons learned this week away. Here, at the edge of the sea. Where I have learned more about the need to be still. To relinquish the guilt of constant striving.
Very thankful for this week of rest with the people I love most. At the same time, aching with the void that can only be filled with our daughter’s presence here.
Most of all, desperately trying to embrace every bit of this final chapter as a family of four.