I am working to get caught up on personal posts (because I’m several years behind on photo albums and my nostalgia-memory-recording self has kicked into overdrive with a baby on the way and Charlotte finishing up PreK so I need to record these memories somewhere!) and I realized I never shared these SWEET pictures!!
Charlotte and Daddy went on a date a couple weeks ago during one of her off days from school (while “the kids” – as she refers to them – were at school). She was SO excited and told me all about her plans for the perfect outfit as I lay beside her in bed the night before. She had her hairstyle planned, along with exactly which bows and headband would complete the look.
That morning, she woke up with such joy and excitement and starting quickly assembling her outfit. It required a very specific “twirly” dress as layer one and then her rainbow dress as the outer layer. The “piggy braids” had to have poof balls on the ends along with a hair bow and her sparkly gold headband.
She made Dave stay in the kitchen with his eyes closed as she ran out and straight into his arms to surprise him for their day together…
He said she looked like a magical princess and she BEAMED with bride.
As they went off on their way, I stopped to pray for her future spouse. May he be as loving and kind and strong and humble and generous as her daddy. May he always treasure her like the beautiful, precious gift, big-hearted gift she is.
And, may her identity be solid and firm because of the great big love of her earthly daddy and her Heavenly Father as she grows up in this unstable world.
They had a super fun day complete with surprising ME by going to get me a new car (to fit all 5 kiddos!!) and Chuck E Cheese together. She was on cloud 9 for days afterward. And, I was super surprised and grateful for my big SUV!!
I don’t ever want to forget these sweet moments… I know she will be off on dates with boys in the blink of an eye and I really can’t even deal with that thought! ha! I love these two so much!!