Photo credit: Jason Lloyd |
Many times over the course of the past several years, Dave and I have found ourselves trusting God to work out the details as we blindly placed one foot in front of the other in faith. Often, we had no clue what He was up to, only that the call on our lives was undeniable.
When He asks you to move, you move.
You may have doubts and be afraid of failing. You may think that you are silly for thinking little-ole’-me can make any difference at all. You may stall. But, eventually you pull up your big girl pants, put your head down, and DO THE WORK. {Let me be clear: it is work. You can’t just walk into His calling on your life without a hefty dose of hard work}.
Feed Their Tummies was founded with a step forward into the unknown. That first food delivery was simply a response to an urgent need for food. Nothing more. It was not strategic, there were no marketing plans in place or long-term goals established. Yet, in that response, He was working. He was revealing His heart – an abundant well of love for His children.
As the details came together- the non-profit status, the partners on the ground, the provision – we learned that God has graciously invited us into this work. None of this was happening because of us, our efforts were valuable yet not essential. Therefore, when we find ourselves caught up in striving or allowing exhausting ambition to creep in, we mercifully fall back on this freeing truth: He is more than able to do this without us. We can open our hands and release it all to Him.
He’s got this.
When doubt was at an all-time high last year, God clearly revealed His desire for us to keep stepping forward. As we earnestly prayed for discernment, JD, a stranger at the time, was preparing to launch a concert series in our town and asked if Feed Their Tummies would accept the proceeds. JD was entirely unaware of our pleas for provision and wisdom, of our asking “should we keep doing this?”
God’s answer was a resounding, “yes, keep pressing on.”
His plans are bigger than we could have imagined at the time. Now, in large part because of that little concert series {since named The Bentonville Sessions}, we are feeding nearly 200 children three nutritous meals a day, every single day. That stranger and his sweet wife, Julia, are now dear friends who work alongside us each month to raise funds and advocate for these children across the globe.
As I type, JD is traveling with Dave across the Atlantic in order to finally meet the children this work benefits.
Also along on this trip is Lamar Stockton. Lamar serves as the International Operations Director for Help One Now, an organization Dave and I greatly admire. Lamar and Chris Marlow, Help One Now’s founder, have become valued mentors and friends. Over the course of this past year, long discussions concerning how to care well for the vulnerable, how to empower local leaders and how to transform communities have taken place.
These discussions have laid the foundation for this trip. Feed Their Tummies and Help One Now have dreamt and planned together about joining forces to do good in Congo.
You guys. The depth of answered prayers here are beyond my ability to articulate.
When we first stepped foot on that Congolese soil together, Dave and I knew our lives were forever changed. We knew we would make it our life’s work to serve the people of this beautiful country, particularly her children.
We absolutely believe the impact of our work will be far greater by doing this together with the Help One Now team. And, we are so fortunate to already be working with a strong and capable local Congolese partner, Mwangaza International. This trip is the first step into understanding what it is that we are all being called to do together.
Although this is not easy and the unknowns can easily evoke fear (we really have NO idea where any of this will lead), this work is worth it.
It is worth all of the sacrifices.
It is worth the headaches.
It is worth facing fear in the face and telling it to stand down.
Simply because they are worth it. The precious ones we serve. The ones I see each time I look into the eyes of my daughter. She too was once abandoned and alone, shared beginnings, rooted in the deep ache of this broken world.
We can’t look away.
We have to step into the hard, we have to move forward in our small role, desiring restoration and hope.
Follow along on this journey as we share stories of hope, struggle and progress…
Follow Lamar on Instagram HERE.
Follow me on Instagram HERE (Dave doesn’t “do” social media, I’ll be sharing his images and stories as he sends them my way).
Follow Feed Their Tummies on Facebook HERE.
Join us in praying for their time in country. Prayers for the Holy Spirit’s guidance and protection are very much appreciated. If you could also pray for the hearts of my babies, I would be so very grateful. Sylvie, in particular, is having a hard time understanding this trip. Her little heart is aching…she is missing her daddy and this trip to “Africa” has evoked strong emotions of confusion and fear and grief in her little heart.
I am so expectant of what God is up to. Good things are in store, friends. I can’t wait to share more.
Jenny! I am so excited for you and your partnership and everything God is doing! What an amazing testimony to His work in the darkest places!
Thank you, Lindsy. It has been such a privilege to watch this all unfold. God is certainly at work!
This is awesome! I so needed to read this post because when He asks you to move, you move.
Yes, friend. You move and go when He asks ;). You've got this!!