After praying over a really hard situation a friend is walking through this morning, I was led to the tenth chapter of the book of Daniel and a couple of verses jumped off the page. There were no highlights or notes or underlined words to make these particular verses stand out, it was simply God pointing out words my heart needed. Following that uneasy feeling of “share this” … I sent the verses to my friend because I believe God had them for her this morning as she sits in a sterile hospital waiting room, anxiously awaiting word of the outcome of her husband’s surgery.
Then, I felt like maybe someone else needs them as well today. So, I’m sharing here. Because, God’s word is alive and active and is as much a promise to you and I as it was to Daniel centuries ago.
“…your request has been heard in Heaven.” (Daniel 10:12b)
Seven powerful words. So clear and so important. God hears our prayers. He hears our prayers just as He heard Daniels’. What a beautiful reminder this was as I pled for my friend this morning. God heard every word. And, then I read this…
“Don’t be afraid,” he said, “for you are deeply loved by God. Be at peace: take heart and be strong!” (Daniel 10:19 NLT; emphasis mine)
Because I tend toward anxiousness and fear, I personally love that ‘Do not fear’ is the most frequent command issued in the Bible. I’m reassured because it is a command of God but also because I’m not the only one who has dealt with this – even the great heroes of our faith had hearts bent toward fear. At least I’m in good company. 🙂
And while all of the commands to not be afraid are powerful, this particular verse from Daniel struck me. He was told not to be afraid because he is deeply loved by God.
We can rest in the same promise. We can be at peace, we can take heart, and we can be strong because God deeply loves us.
He is right there in the waiting room with my precious friend, holding her and whispering peace over her because He deeply loves her. He is surrounding my dear friend with a beautiful community of tangible support in the midst of her husband’s job loss because He deeply loves her. He is comforting one of my closest friends today as she grieves and misses her momma on her earthly birthday because He deeply loves her.
He doesn’t promise there won’t be pain or hard times, in fact, he clearly warns us of the trials and heartaches we will face in this life. Yet, in the hard, in the dark, in the pain, He is right there as a bright, trustworthy light. Because of love. Because of a deep, unmeasurable, unending love. We can rest in that love. We can face hard things because of that love. We can resist fear because of that love. We can go wherever He calls because of that love.
May we feel extra doses of His abundant love today. And, more importantly, may we share that love with everyone in our path. This whole, messy, broken world could certainly use that kind of life-changing love.
Thank you so much for that. Those words came at a perfect time.
They came at the perfect time for me, as well. God is so good to give us what we need just when we need it. <3